How do I get started with e-books and digital audiobooks?
We have instructions on how to get started with e-books and digital audiobooks, and these are arranged by the type of device you are using. Click on your device below to get instructions on downloading the app and getting started.
Logging in to the Libby app on any device
When you are choosing your library, you can search for Washington County Cooperative Library Services, or search for the WCCLS member library you use (e.g. Sherwood Public Library or Cedar Mill Community Library). Then, look for Washington County Cooperative Library Services as your library.
Your barcode number is your library card number, which often starts with 23614 or E00, and is entered without any spaces. Your password is the password you use for your WCCLS online catalog account. Not sure what your password is?
Getting started by device
Android, iPhone, or iPad
Kindle Fire
Kindle e-reader
Laptop or desktop computer
Nook or Kobo e-reader
Last updated: Mar 14, 2023
Views: 37544